Laser Glass R&D Group
Laser Glass R&D Group




World pioneer in research and development of erbium and neodymium phosphate glass. Chromium-ytterbium-erbium glass is ideal for eye-safe laser rangefinders and medical systems.

The R&D Group of Laser Glass has 35 years experience of work in development and manufacture of phosphate laser glasses. It is the team of the research workers of IRE RAS which as one of the first in the world (1964) started the purposeful development of phosphate glasses for lasers.The high professional level of the specialists, both in glass technology and laser physics, allows to develop and to fabricate laser glasses having excellent technological, operational and output parameters. More than 30 foreign and Russian patents on phosphate laser glasses were received. Some types of a neodymium glass developed in IRE RAS are used in various laser systems for more than 20 years.

IRE RAS was the pioneer in research of ytterbium-erbium glasses. Highly effective (slope efficiency more than 30 %) laser on ytterbium-erbium glass with selective pumping by the neodymium laser was created in IRE in 1970 . The team of the researchers from IRE RAS was the first to inform at the international conference on Laser'82 in New Orlean (USA) about creation of the chromium-ytterbium-erbium glass which had pump threshold 2 times lower and efficiency of 2.6 times higher than before. It was that result which allowed to bring the performance of erbium lasers nearer to those of neodymium and to predetermine greatly the subsequent fast development of eye safe laser systems last decade.

Original technology of synthesis in a combination whith additional clearing of components at a stage of batch preparation allows to produce laser glass with recordly low meaning of nonactive losses and high optical quality.

The high professional level of personnel allows to guarantee high quality of processing at manufacturing active roads.

Sadovski P.I.leading researcherFax:     +7(495)702 9572 (for Laser Group Pavel Sadovski)
Phone: +7(495)785-5639*1226
Byshevsky-Konopko L.O.researcher